Fouad  že vrsto let uspešno tekmuje na evropskih in svetovnih prvenstvih v open water plavanju pod Slovensko zastavo, kajti mama je iz Ljubljane. Z njim sva se spoznala lani na evropskem prvenstvu na Reki, ko smo ga oblekli v slovenska uradna oblačila. Od takrat nastopa za naš klub.

Prosil sem ga, da se na kratko predstavi tudi ostalim članom.

Napisal Fouad Trad

I was born in Beirut in 1960 from a Lebanese father and a Slovene Mother. My parents met in Vienna where my mother was studying Piano and singing and my father Medicine. My mother comes from the Brlec family and although nobody was a swimmer she and her brothers were repeatedly national champions of figure skating in Slovenia.

I finished my medical studies between Beirut and the USA where I worked for a while before opening a gynecological practice in the Family owned hospital in Beirut. Because of the civil war in Lebanon I could never train properly in my youth and It is only at the late age of 48 that I started training seriously.

I regularly do the European and world open water championship every year for the past 10 year and I usually rank in the middle third. I recently started winter swimming in the river in Prague where I am planning to do some competitions with water temperatures below 10 degree.

Regarding the competitions,  I just swam 9th of July the Prague‎ open water in Vltavě were I got 5th in my category. ‎Then the world championships where I got 43th I think and a biathlon (running 12 km, swim 3 km) where I got second.